Those Two Words

Do you remember those days where your teacher would ask the whole class this question: 

"Who wants to be the line leader?"

Growing up, we were so thrilled with the thought that anyone who was in front could control the whole class. That person could, in just one command, bring the whole class from point A to point B. Now that we're older, we know that being a leader is not just having the capability to control a group of people. Rather, it's having the notion of self-control. As leaders, we have to identify in ourselves how we lead- or better yet, how we live.

Leaders always have a vision. They always look ahead of their plans and strategize in achieving their goals. It's not just having a sense of direction, but it's arriving in a destination. Anyone can go to the East, West, North, or South, but if you have no destination, then sadly, you're just going around in circles. Jesus is one of those leaders who had a vision and also had a direction for His disciples.

And Jesus said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men." - Mark 1:17

When Jesus asked Peter and Andrew to follow Him, Jesus was certain that He was worth following. In reality, when Peter and Andrew agreed, they did not know what would happen. They did not know how their lives would change from the moment they said yes. However, what they both knew, was that they would fish for people. Christ gave them an assurance of what they would become if they followed Him and it did not stop there.

All around us, especially in the world of social media, we see posts of people changing, circumstances turning, and faith rising from different individuals who decide to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ. Discipleship starts here. However, it will be costly.

Will you still follow Him when things don't go your way? 
Will you still follow Him when someone you know dies?
Will you still follow Him when you are in great financial debt?
Will you still follow Him when your marriage/relationship doesn't work out?

Will you?

Trusting the Lord does not always mean that everything will turn out to be good. We can be positive all day long, but what if the Lord disappoints us? Will we still follow Him? Will we blame Him? Will we blame ourselves? 

Scary is it not? Yes, but don't be discouraged. The stories of victories that you see and hear from people were not just victories alone. They were accompanied by "episodes" of failures, pain, and brokenness. But because they followed Jesus, it is proof that the Lord is alive. His eyes are on the righteous and His ear is open to anyone who calls upon His Name. The Bible says that when we pray to Him, our prayers are like incense offered to Him (Psalm 141:2). 

Beloved, let me encourage you with this: Change will happen if you follow Jesus. It may not be good in the first few chapters, but if you allow Him to change you- if you allow yourself to be consumed by His love- you will grow. You will mature. 

If you're reading this right now, my hope and prayer is that you would check yourself. Check your heart. Is there something that needs change? Is there hurt in there? Are you longing for something that you haven't found yet? Do you feel like you're not whole? Is there a problem that's happening right now in your family? 

The Bible says that if you hear His voice today, do not harden your hearts. If the blog is speaking to you, I believe that there are no accidents in this world. It's not an accident that you're here and reading this. If you haven't fully surrendered your life to Christ, then let me lead you into prayer. 

Heavenly Father, thank You. Thank You for the gift of life. And most importantly, thank You for letting Your Son, Jesus Christ, die on the Cross. Lord, I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I ask for forgiveness for my sins. I have rebelled against You and Your ways. I do not want to live like this anymore. I do not want to live my life going around in circles constantly looking for the right path. Now that I know You, You are my right path. I receive Your forgiveness. From this day on, I will put my trust in You. I will follow You. Have Your way in me. Change me and mold me from the inside out. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

The whole point of discipleship rests on two words alone: Follow Me.
